About Us


About US

The story of BOCOOLIFE began in the 2016 when founders Sam(an Audiologist) and Alex( a Design Engineer) met. Their first venture was Earwax Cleaner System-Ear Wax Washer, and they started with the mission that " easy and effective ear care solution" This mission hasn't changed to this day, despite the brand's global success and wide range of ear care product offerings. BOCOOLIFE has believed that ear irrigation or ear syringing is a much better solution than cotton swabs, it's true, clean with cotton swabs merely push the wax deeper into the ear canal, causing a blockage. So, it should be cleaned from the easy and efficient way. After long term market research, BOCOOLIFE team decided to develop an innovative and unique ear irrigation kit - the BOCOOLIFE Electric Earwax Removal. It's powerful, durable, easy and comfortable without hurting to clean ear blockage at home for all ages. With the core concept remains the same : A breakthrough in ear health - cleaning alone is not enough!